7 Benefits of waking up earlier


I am personally an early bird and as I am always tough, waking up early equals being productive. This doesn't mean if you wake up earlier you are guaranteed to be productive without having a specific purpose in mind.

The benefits of waking up earlier are extended beyond completing work while everyone sleeps. 

If you decide from today, that you will set your alarm earlier and not hit the snooze button, here are some rewards that are waiting for you to be collected.

You'll Enjoy peace

For me, this is the biggest joy of waking up early, not everyone is a morning person(including my wife). This means there is less noise to distract you from your goals. Whether that is arriving at work early and having a head start or just relaxing at home before everyone awakens, just enjoy yourself and savour the peace. 

You, Will, Be More Creative

Well, here is a twist. Dragging yourself out of bed at 5 am does not mean necessarily that your creativity will awake with you. However many people find that they are more creative in the morning than they will be in the afternoon and evening. 

This creativity might occur because you are well rested and your mind is fresh and might be also due to the peace and quiet of the morning.

You'll Feel More Proactive

Based on the survey, in 2009, a Harvard biologist named Christoph Randler reported an interesting finding after he surveyed 367 college students. 

The students that woke up early tend to be more proactive. Randler attributed this practice to high-paid jobs and better performance overall.

The act of getting up earlier is not directly responsible for one's increased proactivity. He points this attribute to the fact that early waking ups lead to more conscientiousness.

Conscientious-wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly.

Experience less stress

This less stressful experience comes from 2 factors.

  1. You will have more time in the morning, this extra time will allow you to get things done that can't be rushed.
  2. You will feel less burdened with mental clutter. The clutter accumulates throughout the day as we complete tasks and interact with people. This clutter is close to zero in the early morning.

Being more in control

Take a second to remember when you were last time harried through the morning. maybe you were under pressure to take kids to school or you have to skip breakfast for an important meeting at work.

Whatever that circumstance was, you probably feel like you had no control over your morning.

Waking up early will make these challenges disappear, and having more time at your disposal will enable you to get things done without any hint of rush or pressure.

You'll have more time to exercise 

Just remember when you planned to exercise in the afternoon when you finish work. Perhaps you came home and end up on a sofa watching TV. Do not worry it happened to us all, this scenario comes from decision fatigue and low willpower.

Let me explain how it works.

Every day we make hundreds of decisions and each one of them takes a little bit of our willpower. By the time you get home, you feel probably drained and the idea of just relaxing and watching some TV is more appealing to you than going for a jog. In the end, you will say ' I will do it tomorrow' and 'tomorrow' never comes around.

Well, this pattern can be destroyed by waking up earlier and exercising. You will have plenty of time to do it and you are not likely to wanna watch TV.

You'll Be Less Likely To Procrastinate

You are not alone, is in human nature to procrastinate when there is a difficult task to be achieved and they look unappealing. Let me explain.

This tendency comes from the way we decide between conflict options.

Based on Timothy A. Pychyl, the author of 'Solving The Procrastination Puzzle every decision is a battle waged between the prefrontal cortex and limbic system.

The prefrontal cortex is in charge of making good decisions, meanwhile, the limbic system focuses its power on taking the decision that gives us the highest gratification.

So at the end of the day, the limbic system thrives as our willpower is at its lowest.

Naturally, you will ask yourself how waking up in the morning will solve this? Is not solving it.

Waking up in the morning there will be fewer activities that need your attention. Having fewer options, you will be more inclined to tackle whatever you need to get done.

This post is provided by: https://www.aanutshell.com/


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