Improve your attitude and take 100% responsibility for your life


This is a stand-alone post and can be read separately.

Is part of the series Upgrade Yourself. If you haven't read the previous posts please do as this post might refer to previous posts.

Have a winner mindset. How to change your mindset.

Identify and Remove your Limiting Beliefs. How to upgrade your life.

Attitude is very important in life and goes hand in hand with your belief system. These two factors will very well determine your life results, it means we have to take the extra mile for our life dreams.

What is attitude?

Attitude is the way you choose to act in your day-to-day life. There is a difference in attitude between highly successful people and the average. The successful people have a reactive attitude meanwhile the average has a reactive attitude towards life. To make it more understandable successful people will take 100% responsibility for their life and actions meanwhile the average will try to blame others for their circumstances.

If you want to step up your game and I believe you want, you will have to take 100% responsibility for your life and circumstances, and stop blaming others because won't take you anywhere.

Is up to the individual to get back up in front of the adversities. The attitude is essential because is all you have when you face challenges in life, in the end, is how you handle these situations and do not let them determine your life.

Choosing your attitude

Let me ask you something, do you react to everything that is happening in life or do you just choose your attitude towards everything? Most people react and respond to people and circumstances. This means they fail to realize that absolute control stays in their hands. Bear in mind that there always be factors in our environment that we cannot control, however, we can always choose how we react to what happens to us.

Now I will give you some examples of reacting attitudes in day-to-day life situations.

  • You hate me; I hate you
  • You insult me; I insult you
  • You disrespect me; I disrespect you

Most people consider these normal reactions to having toward one another. By responding with the same poor attitude means you are lowering your level to them, you do not have to do this, you have a choice. 

At any moment in time you can choose how to react, please do not let others infect you with their poor attitude. Dare to be different.

Please see your attitude as something special that you choose to reflect yourself with and stick to that attitude. Raise your standards and do not let anybody interfere with that, especially without your permission.

Maintaining a powerful status is done by choosing your attitude and not giving it away to people or circumstances.

Take 100% responsibility for your life

Have you ever seen a highly successful person not taking responsibility for their actions or mistakes, I doubt you did. Choosing your attitude means you will take full responsibility for your life and refuse to give a gram of your power away to people or circumstances.

If you aren't happy with your life situation at the moment is your full responsibility for why you are there and also your full responsibility to turn things around for good.

If you are in power to change your life for the better, is your job to accept the reality(no matter how bitter it is) rather than blame your circumstance on others.

How being responsible will empower you.

Do your think you can change or improve your life if you refuse to take responsibility? Tell you from personal experience, the answer is NO.

  • Your financial situation can't be improved if you blame your boss for the money it pays
  • You can't improve your relationship if you blame your partner for everything

Taking full responsibility for your life means being brutal hones with yourself. By looking at each area of your life and asking questions like: ' How am I responsible for this situation?

Use daily mantras 

To have a better effect on you and 'wash your brain' in being 100% responsible for your life, I encourage you to repeat the following affirmations:

  • I'm in total control of my attitude at all times
  • I enjoy taking full responsibility for my life
  • I'm the creator of my existence
  • I love choosing the way I react to everything that happens to me.

Trust me you will see the change in your attitude and life if you follow these simple mantra affirmations. They will take effect in your mind after 21 days approximatively


Upgrade Yourself: Simple Strategies to Transform Your Mindset, Improve Your Habits and Change Your Life


  1. Man, this was a really hard topic but you manage to say it! Thanks for your hard work, with this kind of articles. Use daily mantras it's a new one for me

    1. This is what I was thinking as well. Was a hard topic but he managed to do it in the end. Good job, man!

  2. I think the attitude is everything about a person. It really matter how you behave and with what kind of attitude doing things in your life. Really good topic, sincerely!

  3. Ha ha! I liked that you gave us the example of money and work in our life. "Do your think you can change or improve your life if you refuse to take responsibility? Tell you from personal experience, the answer is NO. Your financial situation can't be improved if you blame your boss for the money it pays".
    I think everyone feels this more than one time in life. Blame us that we work for a sh*t salary and never do any changes in our life. Just blaming and blaming..

  4. The title made me to read you article Improve your attitude and take 100% responsibility for your life and I don't regret it. Thanks to you I learned how I can improve my attitude, as my wife keep telling me that sometimes my attitude is completely wrong and I need to change.


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